10 October 2007

My Predictions

These are my predictions for Not Nooboo. For the record, I am writing this on the 10th of October, but won't publish until around the 1st of November. I am making this disclaimer in case Not Nooboo arrives before that time, that these predictions were actually made first. But I'm holding off on publishing them until other people have had a chance to comment on my previous post with their own guesses.

GENDER - I don't really want to have a guess on this one. My gut feeling is a girl, but I am hedging my bets so that I don't get a shock in the delivery room. Peter is confident that she will be a girl, so if he turns out to be a boy then Peter is in for a big shock.

Either way I don't mind. A girl would probably be easier, i.e. we already have the clothes, books, toys, etc. But to have one of each would be nice too.

BIRTH WEIGHT - Kathleen weighed 3.135kg at 41 weeks. I'm guessing that if Not Nooboo goes to term or longer that s/he will weigh a little more than that. If s/he is early then I'm not sure. My guess is 3.3kg.

BIRTH DAY - As I said in my previous post, I do everything on the 22nd. So I really wouldn't be surprised if Not Nooboo shows up on either October 22nd or November 22nd. I know second babies often come early but somehow I don't think this one will. S/he is due on Nov 10th so I'm going to guess Nov 16th. We'll see.....

OTHER - The biggest thing I'm expecting is for Not Nooboo to be the complete opposite of Kathleen. While she takes after Peter with blonde curly hair, I'd like to think Not Nooboo will look more like me with straight brown hair. But more than looks, I'm expecting their personalities to be completely different.

Kathleen is a night owl. She's happy to stay up late each night and sleep in in the mornings. Not that I really mind that too much, although by the time she goes to bed I'm usually knackered. I predict Not Nooboo will be a morning lark and that I'll be getting up early with him/her and going to bed late with Kat, unless I can somehow change their schedules.

Also, despite the loud voice and outgoing personality, Kathleen is actually a quiet girl. She loves to sit and read books. She loves to get her toys and pretend they're cuddling or eating or sleeping. The beginnings of imaginative play. She doesn't really run around, and isn't one of these toddlers that's always on the go. She still has lots of energy and loves jumping, but she's not always going at a million miles an hour. But I think Not Nooboo will be. Have to wait another 18 months to find that out though.

Whatever s/he is like, s/he will have a lot to live up to with Kathleen. Which is why I think they'll be so different. Kat started sitting up at 4 months and crawling at 6 months, but didn't walk till 15 months. I think Not Nooboo won't crawl until much later but will walk sooner, maybe around the 12 month mark. Once again, we'll have to wait a year to find out.

I'm also hoping against hope that because Kat was such a high maintenance, social baby, that Not Nooboo will be a placid baby. Yeah right!

So, there's my predictions. We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out.


One Month To Go

20070920b Picnic in the backyardOnly one month to go now until Not Nooboo is due. My biggest worry at this point is not the birth, but how I am going to cope with two little ones. How am I going to continue to give Kathleen the attention she deserves while still looking after the needs of the little one. When I think back to when Kathleen was tiny, all I remember is spending all my time either feeding her or rocking her to sleep. She was a full time job. She still is a full time job, although she can amuse herself for short periods of time. Can a person hold down two full time jobs at once??? AND keep their sanity??? I really don't want to fall into the trap of sticking Kathleen in front of the TV when I've got my hands full with the little one, but I'm afraid I will end up doing that. She really loves Dora. And Maisy. And Barney.

20070923d At the circusBTW, it's slightly off topic but I gotta say that Kathleen really is her Daddy's daughter. Because she also loves computer games. She has two games - Busytown and Reader Rabbit - and is always asking to play them. I don't mind but it does mean that I'm stuck there helping her. If I hear the Busytown songs one more time I may go crazy. She has learnt to sort of use the mouse though and can play the colouring in games by herself by just pushing the mouse back and forth.

So with the due date only a month away, I can't help wondering what Not Nooboo is going to turn out like. We don't know if it is going to be a boy or a girl. Both pregnancies with Kathleen and Not Nooboo have been very similar. Both times I have gained a similar amount of weight, but slightly more this time. Last time I found I had no appetite for nine months and didn't eat much. This time baby is sitting lower and therefore my stomach isn't so squashed and has room for more food. I don't know if carrying low is an indication of gender or just the fact that everything is so stretched from last time!

But at this point I'd love to hear other people's predictions for Not Nooboo. Please leave a comment in the comments section with your guess. I will post a follow up with my own predictions later on.

Anything else you want to place bets on - hair colour, eye colour, name, etc.

Here is some info to help you...

  • Baby's due date is Saturday 10 November 2007.

  • I have so far gained about 11 kg / 28 lb. With Kat I only gained 6 kg, so actually that is quite a difference.

  • Kathleen was due on 13 Jan 2006 but was late and induced on 21 Jan 2006.

  • She weighed 3.135 kg / 6lb 15oz.

  • I do everything on the 22nd - I was born on March 22nd, Peter and I started dating on Nov 22nd, we also got engaged on Nov 22nd several years later and married on Nov 22nd a year after that. I also think Kathleen would have been born on Jan 22nd if she hadn't been induced the day before as my midwife thought I may have been going into labour naturally anyway.

  • Plus, here are some comparative tummy shots of Kathleen and Not Nooboo at 34 weeks (note this about a week and a half ago).

Not Nooboo
20070930b Megz at 34 weeks
20051204h Megz at 34 weeks

I'm looking forward to seeing who is closest.
