04 September 2006

Father's Day

20060903e Father's day presentSunday was Father's Day in New Zealand. I wanted to make the day really special for Peter for his first Father's Day as a father, to acknowledge just how much I really appreciate all his help and support. He plays with Kathleen and she loves it. He's really good at putting her to bed without her fussing. And whenever she wakes up during the night he always jumps out of bed to her. Although she has been sleeping through the night for some time now, she still wakes up several times a night. She sleeps with a dummy to help settle her, but during the night she will drop it or knock it out of her mouth, and then she will start crying. Peter always goes to her and puts it back in her mouth and soothes her back to sleep again. And I am so grateful for this because somehow he has the ability to do this and then go straight back to sleep again. Whereas if I were to get up I would then spend the next hour tossing and turning unable to get back to sleep. And as soon as I started drifting off, Kat would cry again. So Peter, thank you, I really do appreciate everything you do.

In the morning I kept Kat quiet in the living room while Peter enjoyed a sleep in. Then after they both woke up again I made omelettes for the family and we all ate at the dining room table together. Kat had her own special omelette cut up into tiny pieces which she was able to grab and put into her mouth by herself. Of course much more ended up in her lap than in her mouth, but she had a lot of fun and she still got something to eat.

20060903l Kathleen at the parkIt was a lovely day, so in the afternoon we went down to the park. Spring is definitely here now. We took Kat on the swings and slides but she didn't seem all that impressed. Then we found a spot on the grass and took her socks off and let her have a crawl around on the grass for the first time ever. Maybe she was getting a bit tired but she wasn't all that interested in crawling around. She liked the daisy and tried to put that in her mouth. She also wanted to put the stick in her mouth too but hit herself with it instead (oops).

That evening we finished the day off with a big meal of lasagne, Peter's favourite.

Photos to come soon.


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