19 January 2009

Potty Training Part III

Kathleen's toilet training has been going pretty well. She stopped wearing nappies during the day in June and although she still has the occasional accident, most of the time she will announce in a loud voice when she needs to go, or else I will ask her if she needs to and she will say "yes" or (usually) "no".

She's still been wearing nappies overnight though. A lot of the time they are dry when she gets up in the morning. So at New Years I decided to take the plunge and stop wearing overnight nappies. We put a potty in her room and explained that if she needed to go she should get out of bed and use the potty.

The first week went really well and she would get out of bed before going to sleep and use the potty, just for the fun of it I think.

But then she started wetting the bed. Not every night. But in the last three weeks she has done it five times. That's about a quarter of the time.

Should I be worried? I don't think so. I think she'll get the hang of it eventually. What I'm not sure of is if she's losing control while she's asleep or not. Because if so then I don't know how we teach her otherwise.

Luckily we've got a new washing machine now and the weather has been good enough to be able and wash and dry the sheets so often. Our old washing machine broke down just before we moved and was going to cost $6,000 (!!!) to repair or $600 to buy a new one.



RePete said...

Pssst....I was only going to be about $600 to repair...;-)

Megz said...

Oh, I'm sure you told me $6,000. Well that makes a lot more sense.