23 April 2009

Patience is a Virture

If someone has a lot of patience they are said to have the patience of a saint.

So what do you call someone who doesn't have much patience? The patience of a sinner?

No, a three-year-old.

Kathleen has no patience at all. She can't fathom time or how long something will take. Every night she asks how long it will be until morning and then her eyes well up with tears as she says it takes so long and that sometimes the sun doesn't want to come up. Some mornings at breakfast she asks when it will be dinner time (usually this is because she wants to watch television while I'm cooking dinner).

I used to think I had a lot of patience. That's one of the reasons I decided to have kids, because I thought I would have a lot of patience and be good at it. HA! I have since discovered I don't have any patience at all. Not when it comes to my girls anyway. I can lose my temper very, very easily these days.


1 comment:

Lou-Jane said...

Really it's just because Kathleen takes after her aunty Lou. I really must teach her the (my) mantra: "Patience is a virtue. I don't possess it but I expect it from you!"