11 June 2006

Lots of Achievements

Well it's only been about six weeks since my last big post, but Kathleen has grown so much in that time. She hasn't changed so much physically (although she does now weigh twice her birth weight), but developmentally she's a whole new girl. She is learning so much.

Biggest achievements in the last six weeks have been:

20060526c Foot in the mouth* Feet in the mouth. Probably not a skill that will get her a job later in life (unless she wants to be an acrobat), but she had been trying SO hard to get her toes into her mouth, that the day she finally succeeded was a big achievement. Now, every time you take her nappy off the feet go straight up to the mouth. In fact you have to struggle to get them down again to put her nappy back on!

* Sleeping through the night. Kathleen has been sleeping through the night for the last four weeks now. She sleeps from around 8.30-9pm until 7-7.30am. It has made life a lot easier for Peter and I. Basically we knew that she could sleep through the night because she had done it on occassion. So one morning when she woke up around 5-6am we just got up and gave her her dummy back and went back to bed. She pretty quickly got the message and went back to sleep herself. She still sometimes wakes up early, but as long as we give her the dummy she will go back to sleep.

20060608a Kat playing with her toys* Sitting up by herself. About a week ago Kathleen finally learnt to sit up by herself unsupported. I guess it's probably no surprise that she learnt this skill earlier than most, as she has always preferred being upright to lying down. Her balance is pretty good and she rarely falls over. So now every playtime she spends some time sitting up and playing with her toys.

* Teeth. Kat now has her two bottom front teeth poking through. They both appeared within a couple of days of each other, around the beginning of June. This has brought its fair share of unhappiness to both her and I, but we are learning to live with it.

20060603a Sitting up all by myselfIn addition to all this, Kathleen also smiles and squeals, and reaches out for things that she wants. She wants everything I have - if I'm using the remote control she wants to play with it. If I'm drinking out of a bottle she wants to put it in her mouth too. If I'm reading she wants to read too, only her idea of reading means stuffing the book in your mouth. I've taken to saving the junk mail that comes on the heavier glossy paper for her to play with, and she loves it - she can crumple it, and rip it, and stuff it in her mouth, and it makes lovely noises when she does so. It is one of her favourite things to play with, and it's free. Another favourite is museli bar wrappers as they also make lovely crinkle sounds, and are shiny and colourful as well. (Both 'toys' always played with under supervision BTW).

As for Peter and I, we are doing well. Still no news on the shift to Wellington. Although Kathleen and I are heading down that way again for a week or two around the beginning of July to see family and friends again. If anyone wants to catch up, send me a text message.


04 June 2006

Kat Is a Ham

Kathleen advises me that she has been updating her blog recently, and wants everyone to know about it.

