02 July 2007

Introducing Not Nooboo

20070625k notnooboo ultrasoundWe had our first ultrasound scan for the new baby last week. It was great to finally see him or her, and now it finally feels real to me - there is now a reason for my ever-expanding tummy besides eating too many biscuits! Luckily everything is looking ok in there. Everything is doing ok on the outside too. Kathleen continues to grow and her vocabulary is ever expanding at the rate of at least one word a day, plus she repeats a lot of what we say. We are trying to prepare her for the new arrival. She understands that there is a baby in Mummy's tummy, but there's no way we can really prepare her for what that means.

We have nicknamed the new baby Not Nooboo, and here is an explanation of what that means.

Sim HamiltonzBefore she was born, Kathleen was known as Nooboo. This term comes from the Sims 2 computer game, which I used to be addicted to, back when I used to have time for such things. The Sims is all about controlling virtual people as they go about their daily lives. Because it is designed to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, the sims don't speak English but rather they speak a made up language called Simlish. The Simlish word for baby is Nooboo. Thus Kathleen was known as Nooboo.

20030223a Not Noodle sleepingJust after we moved to Auckland in 2002 we got a new tortiseshell kitten named Noodle. When she was about six months old, Noodle went missing. We put up posters and an ad in the local paper. One morning when I was out, Peter got a phone call from someone who had found Noodle. They brought her around to him and he said "well she looks a little different but I guess I haven't seen her for a few weeks", and took her in. I got home an hour later and immediately said "that's not Noodle". And it wasn't. But we didn't know where she had come from and couldn't return her. We advertised her as a found cat but got no reply. So she stayed, and became known as Not Noodle, or Bubby. Noodle was never found, but we still have Not Noodle.

So when we were coming up with nicknames for the new baby, I said to Peter "will it be Number Two, Nooboo Too, or Not Nooboo". He ROTFLOL and said it had to be the latter.


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