25 November 2007

Middle Name

20071124f Victoria HamiltonAt the time that Victoria was born, we hadn't yet chosen a middle name for her. We'd had several discussions on the subject but had yet to make a final decision.

There were several factors influencing the name we were to choose ...

  • It had to be a short name, one or two syllables at the most. Because both Victoria and Hamilton are long and multi-syllable, we agreed that a long middle name just wouldn't be appropriate.

  • It couldn't end in "a". Victoria Sandra Hamilton just wouldn't work.

  • It couldn't end in "y". Vicky Sandy Hamilton just wouldn't work.

  • It potentially couldn't begin with a vowel if the two names didn't run together well, e.g. Victoria Elizabeth.

We came up with a short list of names that we liked that fit the criteria:

Victoria Anne
Victoria Jane
Victoria Louise
Victoria Marie
Victoria Rose

20071123a Mummy's baby, and Kiki's babyHowever, following Victoria's unconventional birth we all agreed that her middle name needed to commemorate the event. Suggestions included Front Yard, Lawn, Daisy, Pixie (from the bottom of the garden), Sunshine.

But the name which struck a chord with everyone was Melrose, the name of the street on which she was born. We weren't completely sure it worked as a name though, so the compromise we reached was to name her ... Melanie-Rose ... or Mel-Rose for short.

And so in naming her Victoria Melanie-Rose Hamilton we broke our number one rule and made her middle name even longer than her first and last names. I guess sometimes rules are made to be broken!

http://vickymelrose.blogspot.com has been registered, however it may be some time before she is able to blog anything. Unlike big sister Kathleen.

Victoria is doing well and growing strong and healthy. So far she seems more settled than Kathleen was at her age, and she is sleeping well during the day (and ok at night). Kathleen adores her little sister and constantly wants to kiss and cuddle her. We have to keep reminding her to be gentle.


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