09 October 2008


20081008b Sold

Our house has been sold. After less than three weeks on the market.

With a worsening economy we were resigned to taking whatever offer we could get, knowing that everyone who would be interested had already had a look, and no new buyers were going to come along any time soon. However we were pleasantly surprised to get an offer fairly close to the registered valuation. We had only two open homes in the end. The first one attracted 33 groups. Which confirmed my suspicions that there is a big pool of people wanting to buy in Island Bay, who swoop down on every newly listed house. Most of them said that there was too much work to do on this house, which I fully understand. Having done most of the prep work already for renovating and/or redecorating, I know there is a lot involved. And most people haven't got the time. But this house was just perfect for a couple of people out there.

So, in December this house will pass out of my family's ownership for the first time in 38 years. Which will be more than a little sad. But for now I'm focussing on the future. The new owners have a lot to live up to, as the person who owned it before us had it for 44 years! And before that it was just bare land.

So now we've got about a month grace before everything turns hectic ... Victoria's birthday, Peter & my anniversary, Moving house, Peter's birthday, Christmas, New Year, Kathleen's birthday. But I love that time of year. I love all the activity. And the summer sun. And relaxing in the sun when all the activity is over. We'll just be doing it somewhere different this year.


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