26 February 2007


Kathleen is a true female. She babbles constantly from morning to night.

I, however, am relatively quiet. I am not a true female. But then you'd already know that if you measured the lengths of my fingers.

Kathleen has been saying "mama" and "dada" for several months now. However lately she has begun repeating several syllables over and over, and we figure these must mean something.

1. CAT. Whenever she sees the cats she makes a sound that sounds remarkably like "cat". This in itself is kinda strange because we have always said "pussycat" to her, and in fact when she first began saying mama and dada she also said something which sounded like "poosk", so we thought her first word was pussycat. We have always taught her pussycat because she gets called both "Kat" and "Kitty" and we didn't want her getting confused.

2. DUCK. In the bath she has a couple of toy duckies. When she sees them she always says something that sounds kind of like "duck".

However, both CAT and DUCK also sound remarkably like "GA".

3. WHAT'S THAT. Her most common phrase. I don't know if it is intention that it sounds like "what's that", but it is always accompanied with her looking or pointing at something. And so I always reply "What's that? That's a birdie" (or whatever).

The closest I can approximate to what she is actually saying is "oo dzat" or "oo dza" or sometimes just "mmm mmm".

4. OH DEAR. The one that cracks us up the most is something she says with increasing frequency, for no reason at all. Sometimes when she's just talking to herself or sometimes instead of saying "what's that".

It sounds alternately like "or shear" or "or shed" and sounds amazing like either "oh dear" or "oh sh*t".

We are going to get in so much trouble one day because whenever she says it, we crack up and repeat it back to her. Pretty soon she's going to start saying it just for the reaction. Uh oh.

She's also very good at making "duckie" noises...


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