12 January 2009

New Years Resolution

1. Blog more often. At least once a month on this blog, and once a week on my farming blog. Plus help Kathleen and Victoria to blog once a month too.

2. Find more time for myself to relax, play Sims, read, etc. Victoria has dropped down to one nap a day now. Her bedtime is now coming into line with Kathleen's at 8 o'clock. It used to be when she had two naps a day that her second nap would be quite late in the afternoon, waking up around 5pm. Therefore not being ready for bed till 9pm or later. Now she's usually shattered by 8.30. So there is an extra hour in the evenings that I didn't have before and can schedule some 'me' time on a regular basis.

3. Toilet train Kathleen at night. More to come on this in another post.

4. Complete the women’s triathlon in Palmerston North on the 24th of January. I've officially entered, so keep an eye out here later in the month to see how I did.


1 comment:

RePete said...

Daddy's NYRs. Help Mummy with her NYRs.