03 February 2009


Victoria took her first steps at Christmas time. Since then she's been practising and getting better at it. Now, as of a couple of days ago, she's suddenly got the hang of it and is walking everywhere. Not all the time but a good 50% of the time. And she can now walk from one side of the room to the other without falling down.

I have enrolled both girls in a local daycare centre for one day a week. They had their second time there today. I think they're both enjoying it. The first week I stayed with them for an hour or two, today I stayed for half an hour to make sure they were settled in. Kathleen has had drop offs at Playcentre before so she was absolutely fine. Victoria is a lot younger so hasn't had drop offs before, but she handled it well. In fact the first week she cried when I tried to take her home and reached out for the teacher so she could stay there! Today though I got the biggest hugs from her when I came to pick them up.

Having them in daycare has been good because it has enabled me to get some work done around the farm. Both weeks I've spent the time weeding the lavender field (which you can read about in my other blog). I've got the next several weeks drop off days all mapped out too. There is so much work to do around the farm and it is difficult because I can't really leave the girls alone. Nor can I take them with me, with the amount of deadly nightshade springing up all over the place. So I've gotten into the habit of when Victoria has a nap after lunch, putting the television on for Kathleen to have quiet time, and then I go outside and work close to the house. I don't like her watching so much television, but at least I know she is safe and pretty much won't leave the couch while it's on so won't get into trouble. I always stay within sight of the house so that if she needs me I'm nearby.

20090119b Megz mows the lavender field

Victoria is now settling into a fairly regular schedule of waking up at 8am, having lunch at 12, a nap at 1, dinner at 6pm and bed at 8pm. Kathleen's schedule is pretty similar except she doesn't have a nap and wakes up at 7. Compared to other country dwellers we're pretty late risers I think. But I just can't get up any earlier than that. Even 7am is pretty difficult.


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